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MajestyJo 03-10-2016 02:27 AM

Just for today, I will take life as it comes. I will not turn away, I will not wrap myself up in the blanket of denial. I will accept things as they are, not as I would have them be.

MajestyJo 03-10-2016 02:28 AM

Just for today, I am trying to practice patience and tolerance. I want to go to the Holistic Center because I had pain in my hip for the last two days along with headaches. I am hoping the rain stops when it is time for me to go there and to the mall. I know I won't melt, but the dampness can be a real killer.

MajestyJo 03-14-2016 01:55 AM

Just for today, I will make a point of getting exercise. I haven't been out all weekend and it promises rain for the next three days. Even if I just go around the block on my floor or go downstairs to the mall. It is important to exercise my mind too, so will try to read something or watch something inspirational and stimulating.

MajestyJo 03-16-2016 02:59 PM

Just for today, I will accept where I am at. I stopped taking the pill the doctor ordered but I got shaking so bad and feeling bad as well, I tried taking the pill last night. I slept for 9 hours and then went back to bed again and got woke up by the phone. That is good, but normal for me. I felt numb all day. It is suppose to heal the nerve damage in my body. Numbing it doesn't seem to be the solution, especially when my head feels numb too. I am going to phone the doctor tomorrow, because the rain is suppose to stop and see if I can get in to see him to discuss it. I am very fearful of the long list of the symptoms you may get from taking it. The last time I tried I had nausea and headaches, but I have been having the headaches most of the time anyway.

It is still my morning and I want to go back to bed.

MajestyJo 03-17-2016 02:40 AM

Just for today, I will know a new freedom and a new happiness. That is the first Promise, and all I wanted from recovery. I got that and so much more. The Promises gave me hope. If I lose hope in today, all I have to do is go back to the 12 Promises and know that this too shall pass.

MajestyJo 03-17-2016 07:21 PM

Just for today, I will lower my expectations. I nurtured and cooked my chili and it doesn't taste as good as I thought it should after all my loving care. Hopefully, the saying is true! It always tastes better the next day.

MajestyJo 03-19-2016 03:46 PM

Just for today, I will have patience and tolerance. For me, I can't have one without the other. I e-mailed my friend John about my computer and he replied that he would try to make time this weekend. It keeps freezing on me and I have to fight it every time I try to post, so if you don't hear from me, you know he hasn't been here and/or I gave up trying to post before it is fixed.

MajestyJo 03-20-2016 10:06 PM

Just for today, when my body says "more" I will turn a deaf ear. Today I wanted more sleep, wanted more food, but most of all more cranberry bran muffins. As they say, "Play the tape to the end, look at the whole picture." If I do that, I will know that I won't have to play Queen of the House tomorrow and sit all day on my throne.

MajestyJo 03-21-2016 12:22 PM

Just for today, I will try to organize my time to get the things done that I need to do. I will not procrastinate, and I will ask myself, "First things first! What is a Priority here." I will not run away from home. I will not run to my bed. I will say, "How important is it?" Then I will go to my bed and then to the library. :)

MajestyJo 03-22-2016 08:36 PM

Just for today, I will give thanks. My heart is bursting with gratitude for a very good day spent with a special friend. Someone who is not in the program, who is open to Al-Anon discussion. We talked for two hours last night and spent 5 hours together today.

MajestyJo 03-23-2016 11:40 AM

Just for today, I will acknowledge things as they are, not as I would have them be. As you know, one of my favourite sayings is, "God, I wish you would give me a little hint so we both will know." Not too sure what today will bring. I try to live in today. My sister called last night to see if my son and I wanted to go there for Easter dinner on Sunday. She hasn't been well so hesitate to go, but then she is cooking for 7, so I guess 2 more won't hurt. Her husband is a big help. His mother might be there too. I am hoping the weather will be clear by then and it will be safe to travel. My son and I both agreed that it would be good to go out and have a good meal that we don't have to cook. My sister is a good cook and baker. She makes a lot of homemade bread.

MajestyJo 03-24-2016 10:50 AM

Just for today, I will practice surrender to win. It is freezing rain, a lot of rain with snow and wind. I can't go out it is just too nasty. I have been trying to stay out of my bed and finish posting, but tired and going to give in as my eyes are slits trying to concentrate. I have a curling game on that I taped to help me stay awake.

As they surrender to my Higher Power, and He/She in turn will empower me to do what ever I need to do for myself in day. My meditation card said, "Self Reliant." This reminds me that I need to do the do things and leave the rest up to my Higher Power. As I liked to say, "Why should I expect God to babysit me and be there for my every whim?" I need to do my part. I also need to be open to what He/She sends me and surrender to His Will for me in today.

MajestyJo 03-26-2016 08:06 PM

Just for today, I will turn everything over to my Higher Power and give thanks for His many blessings.

One of my favourite hymns that came to mind.

MajestyJo 03-27-2016 12:18 PM

Just for today, I will remember the reason for the season. I try to remember to be grateful for the gifts my God gave to me as a result of this celebration.

MajestyJo 03-28-2016 03:41 PM

Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. My Notebook or my server is slow and causing me problems and making it difficult to post. I have had to shut down a link and reopen it 3 times to do the posting I did today. I often type faster than the site prints my words and I have to wait for my server to catch up. Something wrong with that!!!

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