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Just for today, I will practice acceptance. It is what it is, subject to change according to what is in the moment. In order to move forward, I must come to a place of acceptance or things can't change. The faster I am able to accept, the quicker things can change for my Higher Good.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcteddy441.jpg |
Just for today, I will do the do things I need for my health and well being. Went yesterday at noon and my pulse was 109 and my blood pressure was 145/60. I went down to check it at 5 p.m. and it read 188/100/83. Not a good sign, so will go and check it when the pharmacy opens at 10 a.m. I have had chest pains and pains in my arm, but the last time I went to the hospital, the doctor more or less said, "Why are you here, why are you wasting our time." It has been raining here, so it could be the Fibromyalgia. Who knows, more will be revealed?
I will work my program to the best of my ability today. http://angelwinks.ca/images/gmpod/gmpod62.jpg |
Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. How other people work their program is none of my business.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/faithpod/faithpod8.jpg |
Just for today, I will practice my acceptance again. If my prescription isn't into the pharmacy by noon tomorrow, I will get on the phone and call my doctor's office. My specialist said, "We don't want you having a stroke." I said, "I don't want me having a stroke either."
Just for today, I will ask for forgiveness. My computer has been sick and I have been busy with test, appointmens and grocery shopping. I needed forgive myself and ask for forgiveness for not being able to be here for everyone.
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Just for today, I will be open to transformation and change. When I put a block on negative energies, I also block the positive energies from coming in. I need to be open in order to receive and allow myself to be vulnerable.
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Just for today, I will pray and ask for the right words and actions to take and not allow my feelings and my actions project onto another. I will let go of my anger and resentment, and come from a recovery place instead of acting out in my dis-ease.
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Just for today, I will have a new freedom and a new happiness. This is my only day without an appointment today. I have been debating whether to stay at home and rest or take myself to a meeting. I haven't had much sleep, so do I take care of the body or the soul.
I am free to make a decision, so I guess I will end up doing what brings me happiness and joy. I will see if my bed calls me before it is time to leave to go to the meeting. ;) When I did my morning meditation today, I got the Eagle twice. The Eagle means Spirit in Jamie Sams' Medicine Book on animals. |
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Just for today, I will accept what is, rather than what I would have it be in today. I was busy, busy, busy today and really hurting tonight, so need to get off my computer and if need be, go to my bed. I am having chest pains, and that is not good.
I was sharing with a friend today. People look at me and don't see anything wrong and as they say, "They judge a book by it's cover." The outside may look good, but the inside has it's own agenda. I get bus drivers who are disrespectful to me because I have a walker. I get the impression that they think I am using it for a free ride. As if, it took me a year to get my pride and ego out of the way, and accept the fact that I needed it. |
Just for today, I will stand in my truth, until such a time as my God shows me a different path. I am so grateful for the people who have been put in my path over the years, who have shown me how to work my program and how NOT to work my program.
Today I am looking forward to going to my group, leaving in 15 min. |
Just for today, I pray for the willingness to be willing to do what I need for my health and well being. I have had three really heavy duty days and I am a hurting unit tonight. I am glad I have leftover rice to cook up. When I finish posting, I have to drain my cottage roll and put fresh water on it. By par-boiling it, it removes a lot of the salt, which I am not suppose to have. It has so much more flavour than regular ham. I am praying that I am not too fatigued to lift the pot and drain it. It will be a challenge. Thankfully, I have 3 tapings of the ATP tennis tournament from Madrid to watch tonight.
Too tired to take the time to post pictures. :( |
Just for today, I will be accepting of what is. I am a walking, hurting unit after my busy week. I made the decision that got me to where I am in today, so I need to be accepting and in today, take action to change my attitude.
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Just for today, I will be forgiving. Not just the people in my life who don't do as I think they should do, but to myself. I need to forgive my body for not keeping up to my thoughts. Forgive my emotional self, and allow myself to feel instead of stuffing them. As one of my favourite quotes days, "Just because you have a feeling, doesn't mean you have to act on it. I tend to think of it more as "acting out" and slipping back into old patterns and behaviours.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/lovepod/lovepod54.gif |
Just for today, I will have gratitude and give thanks for a great day. Good things accomplished. Contact with friends. I called my friend Barb who lives two apartments away from me and apoliogized for banging my door twice. She often suffers from migraines. I had my hands full of laundry and the window was open and the door slammed shut. I felt bad. Thankfully she didn't hear it and she was having a good day.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/generalp...ralpod1101.jpg |
Just for today, I will build on the relationship that I have with myself and with my God. When my God is with me, how can I not come from a place of love, for myself and others. It has to begin with me.
When I doubt myself, I am doubting my God. https://sp.yimg.com/xj/th?id=OIP.M57...=0&w=300&h=300 |
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