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Just for today, I will try not to take my pain out on someone else. It isn't their stuff, even if it is, it is best to send the energy back out to the Universe instead of returning to sender. Just say a prayer for them and yourself.
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Just for today, I will not preach my program. I will share my experience, strength, and hope, with the hope that it will help someone else. It is attraction rather than promotion. Hopefully someone will find something with me and my recovery, that will interest them to find recovery for themselves.
If I am so full of myself, I won't have any room for any one else. I don't have to have the last word, I don't have to say, "This is how it is done." It is not right to say to someone, "That is not how it is done, you need to do this," especially if what they are doing is keeping them clean and sober, with emphasis on the clean. I need what will get me through the day, not abusing my medical medication, myself or others. I can't crave something if I don't injest it, and yet my mind can obsess about it and take me out of the moment, be it big or small. Thank God for the tools of recovery that bring us back to where we need to be in today. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/mot9.jpg |
Just for today, I am grateful for my recovery. As I shared with a couple of newcomers yesterday, the person that walked through the doors of AA 25 years ago is no longer. That person does not exist, thank God. Even the lady likes to come out today and I don't get angry at her and tell her to go away.
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Just for today, I will trust my God to see me through the next few days. My son informed me that the weatherman said that the end of our rain fall, they expect 55 mm of rain to fall. Oh my acking body! Mind you it generally hurts more before the rain start and spoils my sunshine, although today we had both. I could not go out, my feet wouldn't let me walk farther than from my kitchen to my bedroom and bathroom. I was grateful that my apartment is small. I have already taken time to do a meditation and ask for help and healing. I am not suppose to take anti-inflamatories, because of my kidneys. I took one this afternoon, hoping that one a day for a short term, will help. I got the thought after the meditation, so more will be revealed.
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Just for today, I will try to be more tolerant. I realize that I have been a little too judgmental about certain things. Mainly people who complain about the same thing over and over again, and do nothing about it. It may sound like I do that, but each day is a new pain, it doesn't always come in the same shape and format. It can be my heart, my diabetes, my arthritis, my spine, my neck, etc. LOL!
I was talking to Tony at the Holistic Center today about how we go through a grieving process every time there is change in our life. I realized that I had forgotten about that and need to practice what I preach. Wasn't too tolerant of myself today. I told him I felt like a real ditz, not sure of the spelling. Things were not computing and not coming out in the way I wanted to say them. That is why I had him work on my neck as I had a pinched nerve. http://angelwinks.ca/images/thoughtp...ghtpod1113.jpg |
Just for today, I will pray for patience. I was waiting for the bus and it didn't come. A woman was wearing sandals and her feet were really cold. She waited 45 min. I was there about 30 min. and it didn't come. According to the schedule it was due 5 min. after I got to the stop. We finally got on another bus, got off a stop earlier and started to walk 4 blocks for each of us. Just as we got to the street, our bus came along and if we had waited about 5 min. longer, we could have caught it. She was just so cold, so we got on the bus so she could warm up a bit and I walked a block from her home. She went one way and I another, each having a block further to walk. I knew it was due, but I was worried about her. When we got off the bus, it was me the guys offered to help and asked her if I was alright. Go figure! LOL!
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Just for today, I will try to practice my patience and put into affect detaching from my alcoholic. At the moment, he would try the patience of Job. It is about everyone else, not about him and wondering why he is so hard done by. God is on top of the list, it didn't rain in the summer and his hours were cut and now it is raining now and he has been missing days. He works in landscaping, and it is difficult to work if the grass doesn't grow. No hours, no money to use. He still brings up my addiction from his past and likes to play the blame game. It is hard not to take some of it on, but I can't continue to pay for my mistakes, I can only move on, and I have been trying to do that, one day at a time for 25 years.
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Just for today, I will be strong and do what I need to do for myself. It is raining, so I can't run away from my dishes. I did two loads of laundry last night. My strength comes from the God of my understanding. I had a late start to the day, but did get quite a lot of sleep the last couple of days. I bought some iron pills, and they seem to be slowly giving me more umph, to get things done. It was one of those God moments the way I see it. I wasn't looking for them, had no thought of them, and all of a sudden they were there in front of me staring back at me. I am hoping they will help with the fatigue. Praying and asking for help and open to receiving and all of a sudden, there it was. I don't argue with things that happen like that.
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Just for today, I will try to be my own best friend and give myself a hug. Starting your day at 6:30 p.m. isn't such a good thing. I will watch my favourite shows tonight and hopefully, when bedtime comes, I will be able to sleep.
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Just for today, I will remember hugs not drugs and give someone a hug today.
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Just for today, I will be open to receive the gifts my Higher Power sends to me. They come in all shapes and sizes, and when I pray and ask for help, I need to be open to receive what He feels that I need. Like the connection today of a long time Al-Anon member who came to my group, plus another woman who I hadn't seen at our group, I asked her if she was new, just in case. She wasn't, but I thought I would ask just in case. I was able to share with her before she left the group to go back to work. Those are gifts of a different colour, and always helps me. The words that I spoke to her where words that I needed for my own journey in today. We can do what I can't do alone.
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Just for today, I will look to be accepting of what is going on in my life. It isn't about acccepting my alcoholism or my drug of choice which is more, it is about accepting life on life's terms.
I have had a lot of pain lately, my Fibromyalgia has come out of remission and I know that a lot of the physical pain is a result of emotions that need to be processed. As they say, "I have to feel them in order to let them go." In order to do that, I need to find the acceptance first or I will stay stuck. Why hang onto things when it is so much better to let go of them. Not always easier, but definitely more condusive to serenity. http://www.animation-station.com/fro...s/frogs004.gif |
Just for today, I will practice my program to the best of my ability. I will try to be the best me that I can be in today. I will say the Third and Seventh Step Prayers to helpp me get out of the way and allow my God to work through me, instead of having to work around me or inspite of me, He offers His Love and Grace.
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Just for today, I will be content and happy in today. I won't look for what is wrong but focus on what is right. I will look at what I have instead of looking at what I don't have. That doesn't mean that I don't want to win the lottery, although I seldom buy a ticket. I would like to win enough to move out of my apartment building, but then, wherever I go, I take me with me. Part of me doesn't want to move because I can still walk to the library and the market. I just don't feel safe any more around Hess Village and going out at night. It is something that I have been praying about, and if I am meant to be here, then that is okay. Again, acceptance is the key.
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Just for today, I will accept what is in the moment. It is so important for me to stay in today, especially when it comes to my health issues and my son's active addiction. I am so grateful for the program. Just for today, I don't have to use, no matter what.
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