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Just for today, I will let go of the negative attitude. I won't shut down and isolate myself from others. When I closed down, I block myself from my God as well as others.
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Just for today, I will pray for what I need and ask that what I don't need be taken from me. I must take the Steps I need in today and leave the rest up to my God. He knows what is best for me. He knows what's in store for me. All I know is that I would like to make it to the library and the noon AA meeting if possible. In order to do that, I need to catch some more Zzzzzzs.
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Just for today, I will allow my self hope. I found hope through the 12 Promises of AA. As the scriptures say, "My Hope is in the Lord." Not sure where it is said, I am just grateful I remember the words. Where there is life, there is hope. I had lost all hope, but I found that my God had plans for me. Part of those plans, was being here.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/versepod/versepod729.jpg |
Just for today, I will practice my acceptance. I have been having problems with my memory and seem to be forgetting a lot of things. I hope and pray that today is a much better day than yesterday. It wasn't so much bad, as it wasn't good. Before I leave my apartment and wait for the elevator, I say the Serenity Prayer. Accepting where I am at in the moment and having patience with myself.
Today I have this little elephant to help me to never forget. ;) http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:A...bdjoM9XhPHHLQA |
Just for today, I am praying and asking for patience and tolerance. I am hurting from the neck down and have a head ache. LOL! My son says it is suppose to rain. I just said to a couple of members from my group on Thursday, "I hate it when my body tells me it is going to rain three days before it gets here. It stops you from completely enjoying the sunny days. For me, any day the sun is shining is a good day. It is sometimes hard defining a day a such when you hurt from top to toe. I keep saying, the sun is shining, the sun is shining. It is sometimes hard to put some gratitude in my attitude when that happens. I just have to tolerate it, I know it will pass. I also know I haven't had enough sleep, so need to close up shop and do what I need to do for myself, just for today.
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Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. I did a really good job. I didn't go over and hit the guy that was mouthing off at our dinner. I told myself, you can't hit very hard so it wouldn't do any good. He was brash, crass, loud and obnoxious. Young girls were helping their grandmother serve and he said things that I didn't think were appropriate, but I am old fashioned in a lot of ways. I found him to be verbally abusive and some people can ignore it, but having lived it, I don't want to be around it and I don't think young people need to hear such things and think it is normal and the way the man they will meet, can talk that way and it is cool and acceptable. NOT!!!
I am afraid, if looks could kill he would have rolled over and died. So that is not good on my part, and certainly not tolerant. I almost left, but chose to stay. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qckitten418.jpg |
Just for today, I will try to do the do things that need doing. I won't run away from home and stay to do my laundry, and clean my kitchen. I also have a lot of reading to do to catch up before some books are overdue. Even so, I won't allow myself to hide in my books, I will be disciplined enough to get the work done that I need to do.
I will remember that Osho says that you can meditate while doing dishes. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcted...sunflowers.jpg |
Just for today, I will stay positive. I will look at what I have, rather than what I don't have. Through my God, all things are possible, according to His Diviine Will.
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Just for today, I will remember that I have a program. I will apply it to all areas of my life. My life is not longer about drinking and drugging, it is about thinking and my emotional sobriety.
Today I was reminded to make healthy choices. As a result, I am sitting here eating the odd bite here and there of strawberries and pineapple. Mmmmm Good. I was planning on KFC because it is Toonie Tuesday, but didn't have the patience to stand in line. My impatience cost me double the price, plus more for the fruit I bought. The only spiritual thing about it really, was the fact that I shared it with my son. I was thinking of keeping it to myself. I have a program, it is spiritual in nature. I need to apply the spiritual principles to my life. http://angelwinks.ca/images/versepod/versepod735.jpg |
Just for today, I will let go of resentments. I fell in love my city because it was green and had lots of trees. Yesterday they cut a small grove of trees across the street from me. They wanted to extend the parking area by the looks of things. Either that, or partiers from Hess Village were using them for illegal reasons. Don't know, I shall miss them. They were not shade for me, perhaps they were being used for shady people, but they spoiled my view. I will get over the "Oh, woe is me." In a couple of days, I will probably forget that they were there.
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Just for today, I will practice patience and tolerance. So far today, I haven't done too well. I had a few words with a taxi driver and told him to quit playing games and just drive the car. He took us into downtown traffic instead of skirting it. The difference I said it in what I thought was a decisive and not an aggressive manner. He may have other ideas. As a friend use to tell me, "You have such a nice way of telling someone off and they don't even know they have been told." :(
This is a program of practice, practice, practice. http://angelwinks.ca/images/versepod/versepod737.jpg |
Just for today, I will try to be organized. Not just in my actions, but my thoughts too. I will turn my day over to my Higher Power and go with the flow and try to stay out of His Way.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/versepod/versepod738.jpg |
Just for today, I will ask for peace and serenity. Things aren't too good with my son right now and all I can do is put him in his God's Hands. I am trying to keep my nose out of his business and leave him with his choices.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/faithpod/faithpod3.jpg |
Just for today, I will pray for the knowing and clarity I need in today. I will turn my day over to my Higher Power instead of going on self-will. I hope he has plans for my son to do the dishes, but I don't think so. He is going out to do some yard work for friends. ;) That is okay, because it gives me back my apartment as I don't like watching the TV shows he watches, so I can do my work in peace and quiet, put on music, or watch my own shows. Thy Will, not mine be done. Yet saying that, I need to practice self-care. Sometimes it is okay to just be, I don't always have to be doing. I try to work through my pain, but some day I am not able to do that. Today is a good day the sun is shining, even though it is cold. Again, when it comes to housework, I have to pray for the willingness to be willing.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/versepod/versepod740.jpg |
Just for today, I pray for what I need for my health and well being. Not sure if I am sick and if I am, not sure what is the matter. Woke with a head ache and sore throat, both have eased but not feeling up to par. I get impatient with myself when I am feeling off. My son told me to go to bed. Bed is for sleeping and I don't want to spoil my sleep tonight, yet when night time comes, I will probably not be able to sleep. I don't want to go to bed just for the sake of going to bed. :(
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