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MajestyJo 11-15-2015 09:13 PM

Have had to change doctors twice in recovery. The almighty pill isn't always the answer. How do I feel? Is it mind altering? Am I living in reality and seeing things they way they are or the way I want them to be.

MajestyJo 11-16-2015 06:45 PM

Just for today, I will acknowledge my feeling. I will listen to what my body is telling me. So often my emotional pain makes itself known physically.

My God's Love can see me through the day no matter what. Just for today, I choose not to use.

MajestyJo 11-17-2015 09:24 PM

Just for today, I will acknowledge my feelings instead of trying to stuff or ignore them. I will work through them instead of going around, under or over them. The best way to deal with my was to write them out, either on paper or like I do, post here on the site.

Truthfully, I am really scared. Don't like how my head feels. It is hard to describe it, I have a lot of pressure, feel disconnected, pain in my head and having problems

MajestyJo 11-20-2015 09:15 PM

Just for today, I will accept what is, knowing it is subject to change. As they say, "This too shall pass." This means the good as well as the not so good.

MajestyJo 11-22-2015 07:48 PM

Just for today, I will ask for the inner knowing. My meditation today told me to "Listen." When I ask, it will be given to me, so I need to be careful of what I am asking for. I can't hear if I am busy with internal chatter and looking outside of myself for the answers. I need to go with and listen for that still small voice.

MajestyJo 11-23-2015 07:10 AM

Just for today, I will trust the process. I am a work in progress. There are a lot of things God and I are still working on.

MajestyJo 11-26-2015 12:20 AM

Just for today, I will be grateful. I am grateful that I was still up when my friend called me tonight. It made me sad to hear her and know that she was calling high as a kite. She did call and talk about meetings, not sure her motive is right, but this is the second time she has asked, so told her that we can go to the weekly morning meetings starting Monday. They are at her end of the City, but I can take an express bus to meet her. She has a commitment tomorrow and I have one on Friday. Hopefully she will decide to be sober by Monday.

MajestyJo 11-27-2015 12:42 AM

Just for today, I will remember to pray. When I went through a treatment house, 11 women started and only 3 finished the program. The three of us hung around together and all three of us got our one year. The other two relapsed, and it was a difficult time for me. One came back into the program, my friend who called the other day. Today I saw the other girl, who chooses still to use. I spoke to her and gave her a hug. Afterward, I wondered if I should have taken her for lunch, but figured she wasn't really interested in that, she was headed in the direction of the liquor store. I certainly didn't give her money, she had just gotten her Welfare Cheque. When I got home I called my other friend to say I had seen her, we had just commented last week about wondering if she was alive. It is good that she is alive and every time I see her, I hope it will give her incentive to get clean again. All I can do is pray for her.

Prayers for those near and far.

MajestyJo 11-27-2015 09:14 PM

Just for today, I will have faith in my God and know that He will supply my needs. He has showed me this many times over in recovery, He did it prior to recovery, but I was too ungrateful to notice. I should have been dead many times over, and yet I made it to the doors of recovery at 49 years of age. Here I am, 24 years, plus 3 months, still benefiting from His Care and my faith has grown beyond anything I could have imagined before. In recovery, I had to overcome countless fears, many of them false and old tapes from my past.

Just for today, I will believe and trust that my God believes in me.

Prefer, stand with God not under God. I believe in Step Two, they have a list of who He is. Master Physician, Creator, Father, etc. He is my Friend and I don't stand in fear of Him as I did as a child and young adult, when I misunderstood Him. He wasn't out to get me. He wanted me to get Him.

MajestyJo 11-29-2015 09:47 AM

Just for today, I will listen for the sound of His Voice. I will be open minded and be open to new teaching and message that will help me stay clean and sober and walk in the way He would have me go.

MajestyJo 12-02-2015 05:29 PM

Just for today, I will ask for forgiveness. It came up in my meditation, so best I heed the call. It is more often than not, forgiving myself. I can be my hardest task master. I have to remember to not keep shoulding all over the place.

I am a child of God. I know that His Love and Care is Forgiving.

MajestyJo 12-05-2015 04:49 PM

Just for today, I will be grateful for the small things. A ray of sunshine can warm the heart and put a smile on my face. I like to say a prayer and ask for it's healing rays and give thanks. As one of my books said, "Give thanks, it is already on it's way." When you ask, you will receive. I have to be willing to be open to receive. If I am sitting with my arms across my chest in utter defiance, How can I receive my God's Blessings?

MajestyJo 12-06-2015 11:05 AM

Just for today, I will put my life in the care of my Guardian Angel. I believe we all have one. I am also very grateful for the Earth Angels that my God has put in my path.

MajestyJo 12-07-2015 11:04 PM

Just for today, I will not procrastinate. I will ask for the willingness to be willing what I need to do for my health and well being. I always remember it is a 5 syllable words for the word sloth. Sloth leaves such an ugly picture in my mind and yet it is something that I often succumb to.

MajestyJo 12-08-2015 09:31 AM

Just for today, I will take action. I will follow thought with action. I will also remember that, just because I have a thought, it doesn't mean I have to act on it. I believe that is what it means when we say the Serenity Prayer, "....the wisdom to know the difference."

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