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bluidkiti 11-06-2013 12:38 PM

What a Sponsor Does

"Sponsor: a person who makes himself or herself responsible for another (Oxford Dictionary)."

Offer you a special friendship.
Be sympathetic without encouraging self pity.
Listen to your side of the story.
Accept you as you are.
Be a sounding board for your ideas.
Give a lift to your bruised ego.
Be open and honest with you.
Share experiences with you.
Encourage you to examine your choices.
Encourage you to "Keep the focus on you."
Help you to locate your emotions.
Encourage you to make as many meetings as possible.
Encourage you to have more than one plan.
Encourage you to have a positive attitude.
Encourage you to "Live in the Day."
Encourage you to remember you are human.
Discuss with you how the Serenity Prayer will work.
Discuss with you how slogans will help you get through the day.
Discuss the disease of addiction with you.
Discuss literature with you.
Discuss The Program.
Discuss how to better communicate with others.
Recommend making a gratitude list.
Remind you to work the Twelve Steps.
Support you as much as a human being can.

What You Should Do

1) Call your sponsor often. DO NOT SAVE UP YOUR PROBLEMS.
2) Call your sponsor at a time that is convenient.
3) Be specific. Don't imagine your sponsor understands.
4) If it going to be unsafe to receive a call from your sponsor, plan how you will handle the call.
5) Do not resent what your sponsor has to say just because you don't like what you are hearing.
6) Do not try to get your sponsor to come over to your house to solve a personal problem that you are having with your partner.
7) You do not have to buy your sponsors gifts.
8) Arrange to meet your sponsor sometime, somewhere to talk where you can share without being interrupted.
9) Do not resent it if your sponsor is not free to talk when you call.
10) Do not resent it if your sponsor does not call back.
11) When you choose a sponsor, choose someone to whom you can relate.
12) Do not ask everybody you meet for advice on your problems.
13) Don't expect your sponsor to know all the answers.

Author Unknown

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