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bluidkiti 12-27-2019 08:49 AM

Let the Spirit Control Your Mind
Let the Spirit Control Your Mind

Romans 8:5-8

A spiritual battle rages for control of our minds because the way we think determines how we will behave. If we want to conquer our sinful tendencies, we must learn to see ourselves as God sees us—new creations no longer under the mastery of sin. Because of the presence of Christ’s Spirit, we have the capacity to be “more than conquerors,” regardless of our previous sins (Rom. 8:37 NKJV).

We also need to recognize the enemy’s lies that tell us we are weak and will fail again. We are to fight back with God’s truth that declares Christ’s Spirit is greater than Satan (1 John 4:4). We are to focus our minds on spiritual things (Phil. 4:8) so we will learn to distinguish between what fits us as believers and what doesn’t. Finally, we must choose what’s suitable (Matt. 5:3-11) and reject what’s ungodly (Gal. 5:19-21). The longer we’re Spirit-led, the more sensitive we’ll become to His warnings about temptation and the greater our strength will be to win the battle for our thought lives.

The Spirit-filled life starts with the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It becomes a reality as we place ourselves under the Spirit’s control. It’s best lived out by using the divine power He releases into our lives. It also requires diligence on our part to resist temptation and to maintain our surrendered state.

Going into the new year, give yourself a gift. Trade in your “independent mind,” and experience the victories that God gives to those who are Spirit-filled.

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