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bluidkiti 11-18-2020 05:28 AM

A-B-C Method of Managing Attitudes

Have you heard of the A-B-C method of managing your attitude?

It's simple and effective.

"A" stands for the "Activating Event." Let's say you get stuck in
traffic. The traffic jam is the activating event.

"B" stands for your "Belief System." You believe that traffic is only
getting worse and you'll have more and more days like this ahead.

"C" stands for the "Consequence of the Event." You become angry.

You want to honk your horn. Your stomach is tied in knots and you

bang the dashboard with your fist.

The problem is...most people jump directly from "A" to "C." They get
stuck in traffic and become angry. They think the traffic jam made
them upset. They don't realize that they didn't HAVE to get angry.
They skipped an important step!

Let's try it again:

"A" - you get stuck in traffic.

"B" - you believe that you were given some unexpected and extra time
to spend in solitude, to listen to a great tape or to plan your day.

"C" - the consequence is that you feel gratitude for the gift of time.

I have a friend who is fond of saying, "A traffic jam has no power to
make us angry. It just stops our car." He is aware that between the
activating event and the consequence is something that we control:

our beliefs about what is happening.

The next time you have a problem -- at home or at work, big or
small -- decide to manage your attitude toward it. Practice the A-B-C
method. You probably can't change "A," the activating event. But try
changing "B," your beliefs about the problem. When you change your
beliefs, you also change "C," the consequences of the situation.

It's as simple as A-B-C. Manage your beliefs, and you'll manage to be
a lot happier!

Steve Goodier

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