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bluidkiti 09-15-2021 05:33 AM

Throw Problems Away
Throw Problems Away.

The head of a small firm had a tendency to blow up small difficulties into insurmountable obstacles.

So he took the following words, printed them on a card and wired the card to a basket: "With God all things are possible." Whenever a problem came up, he threw the paper pertaining to it into this basket, and let it rest there for a day or two. "Each matter, when I took it out of the basket again, didn't seem difficult at all," he said. In this act, he dramatized the mental attitude of putting the problem in God's hands. As a result, he received power to handle problems normally and therefore successfully.

No. 59 in a series of 100 Power Thoughts from The Power of Positive Thinking, the All-Time

inspirational Best-Selling Book by Norman Vincent Peale.

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