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Old 12-29-2015, 05:54 PM   #3
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Location: Hamilton, ON
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A good example of how the program is one day at a time and take maintenance. I am given daily reprieve and I know for me, that I need the program just a much in today as I did when I walked into a recovery house on November 2, 1991. My dry date is August 21, 1991. Yet having saying that, I need the program, just as much in today as I did then, due to my chronic pain as well as the nature of my disease.

The disease never goes away, I do. So if I struggle with my program, it is because I allow my disease to have a foot hold into my life. My only defense is my spiritual condition and my ability to reach out to my God before I reach out to my drug of choice (which can just about anything that looks good in the moment). Alcohol and drugs are but a symptom of my disease, the problem is me and my thinking. Especially my thinking that says I am just fine, and I am all better and I don't need meetings and I don't need to work the Steps any more. A sure fire attitude which will lead me to a downward spiral that can lead me to a slippery path to relapse.

We do this one day at a time. When we think forever, it is overwhelming and seems impossible. Just for today, I choose not to use.

When I made the decision to quit, my day started at 2:30 p.m. and didn't wait until midnight to finish my day, I reached out and asked for help. I made my decision and 2:31 p.m. was the beginning of my new day.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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