August 10
God wants you to know that ... be gentle with yourself.
When you ask God to forgive you for past mistakes and transgressions, don’t forget to forgive yourself.
had to think for a minute where to put this..because this quote is part of the stickeys so if this in the wrong place..Please feel free to move it
So often I hear various people not only talk about beating themselves up but they also refer to the first paragraph of HOW IT WORKS where honesty is mentioned 3 times which shows it's vital importance. Yet what they say is.."BRUTAL" honesty and that is not what it says ..It says.."
Rigorous honesty" and that is very very different..
We can be honest..completely and totally without being BRUTAL. Both with ourselves and with others. That honesty can come from a loving gentle place within us.
What is in my spiritual tool box that someone gave me many many 24 hours ago is ..."We are children of a Living Creator..." which is another quote from the book. Which is also to say I am a child of God.
Being a child of God-- I then know that God does not like child abusers..
So once again...I can be honest with myself and with others from a gentle loving place. I can only do that when God is at the core of my being and I walk with Him & include Him "in all my affairs".