When To Stop
It's not a perfect world we all live in nor do we have to be perfect ourselves. All of us when we come to recovery we all want to do better then we have been doing, the problem for most of us is we think we have to do recovery perfectly in order to get it we don't, all that any of us ever have to do is keep trying to do it the best we can, and accept the fact that we'll never be able to do it perfectly. This turns out to be a good thing for all of us not to be able to do recovery perfectly because this is what keeps all of us striving to try to do the best we can and this the best defense that any of us could ever have against our ever progressing problem that all of us still have, and will always have. Recovery when practiced only arrests the problem we all have, the problem is still there, and will always be part of who and what we are and this never goes away for any of us for as long as we live, and for this reason all of us will need to practice the program of recovery for the rest of our life. It's been proven over and over again and again that if we stop the practice of recovery our problem does come back with a vengeance like none of us had ever seen before. None of us need to do recovery perfectly, we just need to do it the best we can, and never stop trying to do it for as long as we live.